There Is No Better Calming Agent Than The Hug That Keeps You Away From Fears

Hugging and receiving a hug can be the best medicine, the most powerful, the one that calms you, that makes you forget the insecurities and ward off the fears that paralyze us.

How nice it is to feel a hug that fills us from head to toe. A hug that turns on our inner light, that makes us close our eyes, feel like we’re on a cloud and that fills us in the depths of our being. Thus, a hug keeps fears away.

A hug is a gesture that breaks fears, that recomposes, that builds a bond. It is the one who relaxes and helps to keep calm.

The heat transmitted through a hug is comparable to the warmth of a home. Indeed, we feel that we are at home, a house made of flesh and bones.

A hug, the best medicine for the pains of the soul

the power of a hug ward off fears

Whatever happens to us, feeling the warmth of someone we appreciate through a hug is essential for our healing and well-being when going through a bad patch. Something very simple, but complicated at the same time.

A little hug takes fears away, can dry a lot of tears, a little love note can fill us with happiness, and a little smile can change the world.

These are small things that build our world because hugs fill it with peace and love …

The hug is a super power that we all have, a great healing remedy for the pains of a soul broken by a difficult reality, by deception, betrayal or abandonment.

This is why as far as possible, we must make use of the best anxiolytic within our reach, a delight of love, a conjuration, a meeting between two bodies which offer each other tenderness, companionship and the heat.

A hug takes away fears

There is a truth in which two souls bond and offer each other security to face obstacles, to promote great strength in the face of life, to lay a solid foundation for our smiles.

A hug takes fears away, it helps us cope with adversity, it takes away loneliness and fills us with joy.

It is these great hugs that are given with such force that they seem to break us as they put us back together.

Without a doubt, the hug is a special connection that stops time and restores harmony, which conveys a message that is healing, which is the best therapy for renewing feelings, calming emotions and communicating with others and ourselves.

Melting our bodies into a hug helps us be more patient, relax, and feel loved, which helps build self-esteem, self-esteem, and our ability to resist in the face of difficulty and Fears. 

illustration of a hug between friends

Take a hug, it’s essential to survive

Have you ever relieved your sadness with a hug? Did he bring you warmth? Did you congratulate yourself on your successes by hugging yourself?

This intimate and clean hug is essential to be well fed, to drop our shells. It is also essential to keep us away from the cold. And finally to work on the art of self-love which brings us closer to authenticity. 

Through these hugs, we open up to ourselves, we connect with the outside of the inside. We are then able to move. It’s simple, if you are in your arms, you are taking your life in your arms.

Thus, we could say that if we take those we love in our arms and that they take us in their arms, we feel gratitude.

It is the basis of our construction. Cuddling allows us to release our emotions and bring us closer to the beautiful things in life.

Because thanks to the costume of the hug, we protect ourselves from false love, dependence, excessive idealization and all that impoverishes us, weakens us and alters our courage and our goodness. 

A hug that takes the sadness away from the body

At many times in our lives, hugs make all the difference. Better not to ask a question with sad eyes, because it’s just a hug they need.

When a person is going to die, they don’t regret being hugged so much, having cuddled themselves. She does not regret having loved and having given energy and tenderness.

At these times, we may regret that we neglected the people we love. Or else to have worked so hard and not to have offered displays of affection and tenderness every day.

It’s a great lesson, we have to cuddle more, because these are the necessary moments, it is the vitamins that give us energy, body and mind. This is something we will never regret.

Never forget, a hug keeps fears away.

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