Lemon Coffee: Is It A Good Mix?

Coffee and lemon are two ingredients with recognized properties. And the sum of the two? Are their beneficial effects multiplying? Find out in this article.

A new combination is all the rage in the beverage world: lemon coffee. We hope to derive health benefits from it, beyond those provided by these two ingredients taken separately.

Nowhere is it stated that these products cannot be mixed, so it only remains to see what happens with the benefits that lemon coffee promises us.

Lemon coffee

The exact formula for preparing it is to add the juice of one lemon to 240 milliliters of coffee. Although to some people this combination may seem unusual, for others it has turned into a promise of positive health effects.

Many of you probably think that lemon is a better companion in a cup of tea. However, traditionally, this mixture was already consumed in some concrete areas as a cooling drink to beat the heat.

To start learning a little more about its use and usefulness in terms of health, it is best to first review the benefits of these two ingredients, separately.

The benefits of coffee

To prepare a coffee, the dry and ground beans are infused with very hot water. A simple process for one of the most consumed drinks around the world. According to data from the British Coffee Association, around 2 trillion cups are drunk per day.

Over time, its consumption began to enjoy a good reputation and a bad reputation. Science has therefore taken a very close interest in it. Coffee is known to be a stimulating food,  able to improve aspects such as memory, concentration and fatigue.

The ingestion of coffee has been studied in relation to various health parameters. But as the authors of an important summary of existing studies point out, much of it is observational, so one should be careful with the conclusions.

The positive associations between coffee and liver disease (cirrhosis, non-alcoholic fatty liver or liver fibrosis) are strongest. There also appears to be a lower likelihood of suffering from liver cancer.

Likewise, the authors underline a reduction in the risk of mortality from any cause in those people who consume coffee, compared to those who do not. As well as a lower incidence of cardiovascular disease and metabolic problems, such as type 2 diabetes.

The optimal consumption threshold seems to be at three cups per day, although a higher intake does not appear to be dangerous but does not offer more benefits either.

There are apparently no signs of harmful effects with continued consumption of this drink, apart from the recommendations not to consume during pregnancy and in women who have a higher risk of suffering from bone fractures.

Cups of coffee.

What does lemon bring to the body?

Citrus fruits are cultivated all over the world and are known to be among the most consumed fruits. Their contributions in vitamin and other phytochemicals transformed them into products used for therapeutic purposes.

Their main nutrient is vitamin C.  This has key functions in the body, such as helping bone development, healing wounds and maintaining healthy gums.

In addition, on the metabolic level, it allows the activation of vitamins of the B group, the conversion of cholesterol into bile acids and the transformation of tryptophan into serotonin.

This very important micronutrient works in synergy with other elements, such as flavonoids, carotenes, alkaloids and essential oils. Thanks to these, science has been able to link them to certain positive health effects:

  • Antioxidant:  helps neutralize free radicals. The presence of these has a critical role in aging, inflammation and heart disease.
  • Increased citrus consumption has been linked to lower mortality and morbidity  for cardiovascular problems.
  • Vitamin C protects the immune system,  reducing the severity of allergic reactions and helping fight basic infections, such as the common cold.

Popular beliefs about the benefits of lemon coffee

Beyond the positive effects that the two have separately,  there are some claims about improvements in health,  linked to the consumption of lemon coffee. Here are the promises around this drink.

Reduction of body fat

This is one of the most tempting promises. However, there is no evidence indicating that coffee or lemon are foods capable of eliminating the accumulation of lipids in the body.

Some studies have observed the  ability of caffeine to increase metabolism and therefore burn calories. However, it has no effect on weight loss and fat reduction.

This seems to be clear to science:  one cannot demonstrate, for the moment, the veracity of this belief. Either way, coffee helps reduce the feeling of hunger.

Headache control

The second popular claim about this blend is also not based on scientific data.  There may even be some contradiction as, in some cases, coffee consumption has been linked to migraines.

If we know that combining caffeine with drugs can amplify the effects of the latter, lemon does not provide any benefit in this regard.

Lemon coffee promotes healthier skin

High consumption of fruits and vegetables is positive for improving skin health. But it is not known, for the moment, which component is responsible.

This is why the general recommendation to consume three fruits a day is always positive. In addition, if it is lemon or other citrus fruits, the intake of vitamin C stimulates the synthesis of collagen. This protein promotes elasticity and strength of the dermis.

Relief from diarrhea

This is the last of the popular beliefs about this drink. It does not appear to be scientifically based either. Rather, it would be the opposite because caffeine increases colon movements and accelerates the urge to go to the bathroom.

The ingestion of coffee is not indicated during an episode of diarrhea because  its diuretic effect may worsen the loss of fluids  which occurs with increased stools.

A woman with abdominal pain.

Does mixing coffee with lemon increase their profits?

The ingestion of coffee and lemon has positive effects on health, as long as they are consumed as part of a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle habits. However, for the moment, the same cannot be said of the result of their mixing.

Does that mean that drinking your old-fashioned coffee with lemon juice is a bad option? Absolutely not. It can be an option for waking up in the morning, but one should not expect magical effects. Thanks to the lemon, the coffee gains in freshness and its bitter flavor is softened.

The latest trend in the beverage world is not having the effects promised

Many people have the habit of drinking hot water with lemon or coffee in the morning. Either of these drinks can be beneficial, but the sum of the two does not appear to have more positive effects.

In any case,  it could not be verified that lemon coffee improves headaches or helps reduce body fat. Nor that it was a drink of choice for diarrhea.

It is therefore possible to choose the best accompaniment to black tea to refresh a good coffee, as long as its flavor is pleasant and its consumption does not produce unwanted side effects.

Ingestion of moderate doses of each of these drinks or their mixture appears to be safe. It should be remembered, however, that a larger quantity does not always mean more profits. Abusing it could lead to harmful effects.

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