4 Bad Habits To Avoid With Gastritis

In this article, we present 4 bad habits to avoid with gastritis. Discover them here!

Gastritis is an inflammation of the lining of the stomach. It is a condition that can be temporary, but if it is not treated in time and in the right way, it can develop into a chronic digestive disease. Do you know what to avoid doing when you have gastritis?

In this article, we present to you 4 bad habits that are best to avoid in case of gastritis. It is possible that you do not know some of them and that they are part of your daily life without knowing that they harm you and degrade your digestive system. We tell you about it below.

4 habits to avoid in case of gastritis

The membranes that line the wall of the stomach protect it from acid and germs. If this protective coating is irritated or damaged, it can react with inflammation.

Inflammation of the lining of the stomach is called gastritis. It is usually caused by certain bacteria or by the regular use of anti-inflammatory pain relievers. If you suffer from this problem, it is best to go to the doctor to prescribe you the most appropriate treatment while in avoiding certain habits that can aggravate the situation.

1. Consume food and irritants

Alcohol and tobacco are not recommended for gastritis.

One of the worst habits you can have during gastritis is consuming irritating substances or foods. These further damage the digestive lining and worsen the symptoms of gastritis.

Irritants include tobacco and alcohol, but also coffee and tea. When it comes to alcoholic drinks, it’s best to replace them with healthier options. For example, you can try natural juices made from fruits and vegetables.

Some spices can also be irritating, such as ginger, pepper, or mustard. Additionally, sugar and sugary foods also cause long-term damage, although they don’t cause immediate discomfort.

2. Eating unbalanced

Second, when you are suffering from acute or chronic gastritis, it is necessary to follow certain guidelines while sitting at the table. We detail them below:

  • It is recommended to eat 5 meals a day with a smaller quantity and to avoid too large meals, as they will make digestion difficult and gastritis more difficult to bear.
  • It is essential to chew each food well so that each bite is sufficiently processed by swallowing
  • Eat in a relaxed and relaxed environment, avoid arguments and other distractions
  • Choose simple meals that don’t combine too many different foods. In addition, the fruits will work best in the mid-morning or mid-afternoon.
  • If you suffer from gastritis, you will notice symptom relief if you eat during the day instead, that is, at breakfast and lunch, or even at snack time. In return, it is preferable to dine light and relatively early

3. Abuse of antacids

Antacids can have the opposite effect in gastritis.

Many people with heartburn or gastritis frequently turn to antacids to relieve their discomfort. However, whether it is drugs or sodium bicarbonate remedies, it is advisable to consume them only occasionally. In addition, it is best to take it only on the recommendation of the doctor.

Antacids are not the solution to the problem, they can even damage the digestive system in the long term, as they interfere with gastric juices and can predispose to other more serious digestive illnesses in the future.

There are antacids that do not increase stomach irritation. In addition, there are foods that can give you relief, such as apple, cucumber, papaya, or umeboshi plum.

4. Ignore stress

The last of the habits that makes gastritis worse is stress. To what extent is stress related to the onset of gastritis? This nervous problem would increase the appearance of stomach acids that cause this digestive problem.

In this sense, a complete treatment of gastritis must be accompanied by new lifestyle habits aimed at relaxing you. Taking soothing teas or supplements and doing certain activities such as yoga, meditation, or tai chi are some examples.

What to avoid in case of gastritis

These tips are geared towards finding relief from gastritis symptoms and improving quality of life. However, if you suffer from this disease or from its first symptoms, it is essential to consult your doctor so that he makes a diagnosis and offers you the most suitable treatment.

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