Breakfasts To Relieve Morning Headaches

A lot of times the morning headache is caused by dehydration. To reduce or prevent headaches, it is important that we drink plenty of fluids for breakfast.

There is nothing more unpleasant than getting up with a morning headache. This is something quite common in the morning for many of us: we feel smeared, with a dry mouth, etc.

Why is this happening? What can we do ? We will explain everything to you in this article to relieve morning headaches.

What are morning headaches due to?

  • At the absence of dinner the day before.  Have you ever skipped the evening meal on occasion? It is not something healthy, your body is running out of nutrients and it makes you weak.
  • Morning headache due to sleep apnea  : this is a factor to take into account. Many people suffer from this disorder and do not realize that those little snores they make during the night are symptoms of sleep apnea. And that causes headaches.
  • To a  heavy meal the day before : eating poorly, or eating in large quantities during the holidays, drinking alcohol or having a sleepless night are direct factors that cause morning headaches.
  • Bruxism:  you already know what bruxism is. It is a pathology that manifests itself at night, when we clench our jaw without realizing it. Bruxism can appear at any age and usually causes headaches, especially on the sides of the face. But it also causes contractures in the neck which will also lead to headaches.
  • Poor posture at night:  pay attention to how and in which position you sleep. Poor positioning can affect blood circulation.
  • Certain medications:  antibiotics, for example, cause headaches if consumed regularly.
  • Restless Leg Syndrome  : This very common problem does not allow those who suffer from it to sleep well, causing them headaches.
  • Insomnia:  Some medicines used to help insomniacs sleep cause morning headaches. Go for natural solutions.
  • Anxiety or depression:  this is one of the most important causes of morning headaches.
  • High blood pressure:  you must control it well, because it is one of the direct causes of headaches.

3 ideal breakfasts to reduce morning headaches 

First option

  • A glass of lukewarm water with lemon
  • 30 minutes later, a coffee or an infusion of ginger and mint
  • Oatmeal rusk with olive oil
  • A small cup of chopped pineapple and cucumber (if you wish, you can juice yourself with these foods instead of a salad)

Start with that essential glass of lukewarm water with lemon, as you already know. It will allow you to purify the toxins from your body, and to clean it in depth.

Then take the opportunity to take a bath, let it slip away for half an hour or even an hour before breakfast. We have added coffee to this breakfast because it is very effective in relieving headaches.

But, it is possible that it will not have the desired effect on all people, or even cause the opposite symptoms. It is up to you to judge whether you can stand coffee in the morning because, as you already know, it is great for giving you energy when you wake up and also helps protect your liver.

You can always refer to the infusion of ginger, this natural anti-inflammatory, which helps reduce all types of pain. He is perfect.

Continue with a rusk in olive oil. It is the ideal alternative to consume fatty acids beneficial for your health. Finally, the combination of pineapple and cucumber will be ideal for hydrating you, and getting the essential vitamins and minerals you need.

Hydration is one of the keys to reducing headaches, so it’s important to drink plenty of fluids in the morning if you suffer from it.

Second option

  • Strawberry infusion or juice
  • A coffee or chamomile tea 40 minutes later
  • A spinach salad with pineapple
  • A cucumber juice with half an apple

This is the perfect example of a nutritious breakfast, with which you will have all the energy you need to relieve your headaches.

Start by making yourself a cleansing drink by making a smoothie with five strawberries and a glass of water. Do not add sugar. Allow 40 minutes to an hour to pass, then drink a cup of coffee.

As usual, if you’re not feeling very well, replace the coffee with chamomile tea.

Then prepare yourself a salad with pineapple chunks and a handful of fresh spinach. Pure energy!

Then, a little later, hydrate yourself well by consuming a juice made with a small cucumber and half an apple. Make this smoothie and you will see the good it will do for you!

Third option


  • A glass of vegetable drink made from almonds
  • A sandwich of oatmeal bread with a hard-boiled egg and a few drops of olive oil. If you wish, make an omelet with a few pieces of ham and celery.
  • A cup of watermelon pieces, some nuts and some raisins.

It’s another nutritious breakfast. Start with the almond drink. Almonds have great analgesic power, which is great for relieving headaches.

They are also rich in magnesium. Eggs are also very suitable for relieving headaches thanks to their coenzyme Q10 content.

You will be well hydrated thanks to the grapes and watermelon, which are rich and very healthy. This option is sure to please you! And it’s perfect for relieving morning headaches.

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