7 Things You Should Avoid Doing On An Empty Stomach

Although many of us are used to it and it may seem harmless, drinking coffee on an empty stomach, even when decaffeinated, can help gastric reflux and heartburn.

The way we start the day on an empty stomach can help us maintain a sense of energy and vitality throughout the day.

However, we sometimes adopt habits that, far from offering us benefits, can have unwanted effects, both physically and emotionally.

Although many of these practices have become part of our routine or seem “harmless”, over time they can affect our well-being.

For this reason, today we want to devote this article to 7 things that are best to avoid doing when you are on an empty stomach in order to preserve your health.

Discover them!

1. Take anti-inflammatory drugs

Take medication on an empty stomach.

Medicines such as aspirin, paracetamol, and in general, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) should not be taken on an empty stomach. Because they can cause serious digestive problems.

Their compounds can cause an inflammatory imbalance in the stomach wall and, in severe cases, cause gastric bleeding.


  • To minimize the negative effects of NSAIDs, the consumption of milk is recommended.
  • If you don’t have any on hand, take them with plenty of water.

2. Drink coffee

Some people have a habit of “recharging” themselves early in the day with a cup of coffee, ignoring its possible side effects.

While we cannot deny that it is an energy drink, with many nutrients and benefits, taking it on an empty stomach can be harmful.

Even in decaffeinated presentations, it increases the production of acid in the stomach and can cause heartburn and reflux.


  • If you cannot stop drinking coffee when you wake up in the morning, drink it with cream or milk. The fat content of these ingredients minimizes the negative effects of the drink.
  • If possible, replace it with a natural herbal tea or smoothie.

3. Drink alcoholic beverages

Drink alcohol on an empty stomach.
Drinking alcoholic beverages on an empty stomach can potentially harm organs like the liver, heart, and kidneys.

Its absorption on an empty stomach increases alcohol in the blood twice as quickly. This can be compared to taking it intravenously.

In addition, the elimination of its toxins is slower, resulting in a higher degree of ethyl poisoning and a severe hangover.


  • If for any reason you have been consuming alcoholic beverages on an empty stomach, be sure to eat a sandwich as soon as possible that contains at least butter.
  • Avoid combining alcohol with coffee or carbonated drinks, as the effect could be worse.

4. Chew gum

Chewing gum produces a substance called hydrochloric acid. Hence, if the stomach is empty, it can cause unwanted side effects.

This bad habit irritates the lining of the stomach and can eventually lead to serious problems like gastritis.


  • If you are used to chewing gum, choose among its presentations, those that contain natural sweeteners.
  • Avoid presentations with sugar, cyclamate or aspartame.
  • Avoid chewing gum for more than 10 minutes, even if your stomach is full.

5. Practice intense sports

Sport on an empty stomach.

There are many myths about early morning exercise. Some people say that training on an empty stomach helps burn more calories.

However, an empty stomach is unlikely to influence this fact. On the contrary, it can lead to a reduction in muscle mass.

It’s worth remembering that the body needs nutrients to get going every morning. Indeed, if you force it on an empty stomach, it will seek to maintain itself with the existing energy reserves.


  • Replace strenuous exercise routines with low-impact aerobic activities.
  • At least try to eat a piece of fruit or drink a smoothie before you exercise.
  • If you suffer from digestive illnesses, such as gastritis, eat well before exercising to avoid complications.

6. Drink citrus juices

Citrus juices are packed with vitamins, minerals, and other important essential nutrients. They confer many benefits on the body.

Despite this, consuming them on an empty stomach is not recommended. Because they can irritate the gastric mucosa, especially in cases of gastritis or digestive complications.


  • If you want to take citrus juice on an empty stomach, combine it with an equal amount of water to avoid its effects on the stomach.
  • Take these juices at breakfast or in the middle of the morning.

7. Arguing on an empty stomach

Arguing on an empty stomach.

American scientists have shown that the feeling of hunger increases our irritability. We are therefore more likely to have arguments with those around us.

The brain needs energy sources to get going and self-control. I s is therefore not recommended to fast for too long.


  • If you don’t want to get cranky in the morning, share an herbal tea or a glass of healthy drink with your partner or family members.
  • Try to have breakfast within an hour of waking up.
  • This will undoubtedly instantly improve your mood.

Do you identify any of the habits mentioned above as your own? Now that you know their negative effects, take steps to correct them before they cause you problems.

  • Galarza, V., & Cabrera, G. (2008). Hábitos alimentary saludables. Nutrición, Salud y Alimentos… .

  • Sarabia Maheli, M., Vázquez, LA, & Espeso Nápoles, N. (2005). Saludable estilos de vida y su relevancia en la salud del Individo. Rev Hum Med .

  • ALVARADO, I., MONTENEGRO, L., & GARCIA, O. (2013). Formación de hábitos alimentarios and estilos de vida saludables. Curriculum de Educación Inicial . https://doi.org/10.1111/apa.12203. </p>

  • MINISTERIO DE SALUD. (2015). Ministerio de Salud. Consejo Nacional de Seguridad Social En Salud . https://doi.org/10.1108/02634500910955254. </p>

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