Intestines: 4 Hot Drinks To Purify Them

Detoxify your intestines with simple hot drinks and you will prevent a wide variety of diseases. Discover here 4 effective infusions.

Detoxify your intestines with simple hot drinks and you will prevent a wide variety of illnesses that arise when we fail to properly cleanse the excess toxins from our interior. Here we offer you four hot drinks.

The desire to be thin is not the only reason to take care of yourself. Taking diuretics and foods rich in fiber has a much more significant impact than a linear figure.

The intestines play an essential role: they are responsible for expelling toxins and harmful substances.  Having these substances in our interior is similar to putting sand into an engine. They will work for a while, but working with a foreign body per se accelerates the deterioration.

Sometimes the damage can be remedied, sometimes not. That is why it is necessary to purify your intestines and avoid the presence of harmful elements that poison us little by little.

The hot drinks that we offer you here are natural alternatives that are not very aggressive and very effective. They do not contain chemicals that cause side effects. In addition, they are economical and easy to prepare. So you can enjoy it whenever you want.

 1. Chamomile infusion, one of the best hot drinks to purify the intestines

In addition to being a perfect calming, chamomile facilitates excretion if used on a daily basis.

It is not enough to consume it only when you are feeling heavy or suffering from acidity. It is best to enjoy it after each meal.

The ideal is to use the dried plant rather than buying the ready-made sachets. The reason is very simple: the second option is processed and therefore is not an ecological option.

2. Mint tea

Unlike chamomile, you should not consume mint if you have gastritis or colitis.

However, the rest of the time, you can take advantage of its benefits to purify the intestines in total safety.

It promotes good digestion and therefore the elimination of everything that should not be in you. In addition, it fights this stress which prevents us from facing the day properly.

The ideal is to consume it after each meal.

3. Ginger and lemon infusion

Although traditional Chinese medicine has used this root for centuries, it is little known in other cultures.

However, ginger is a very beneficial food for the body. Ginger :

  • has digestive properties;
  • has anti-inflammatory effects;
  • regulates sugar and cholesterol levels;
  • has a cleansing action, especially on the colon.

The ideal is to consume it once a day.

As for lemon, it is a perfect complement. The high vitamin C content of lemon promotes the annihilation of all bacteria that lodge in the intestine. In addition to expelling toxins, you will overcome adhesions that sometimes persist in the organ.

You may be surprised by the taste of this drink at first, because of the ginger, but you will quickly get used to this mysterious tangy note.

4. Aloe vera and lime blossom infusionAloe vera gel

You have surely already heard of the benefits of Aloe vera for the skin and its healing. This plant is also effective in purifying the intestines.

When we regularly consume Aloe vera,  it energizes the intestinal system. It therefore helps us to get rid of substances that disrupt the proper functioning of the digestive system.

The lime tree has a relaxing effect, ideal for coping with stress.


  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • 5 1/2 tablespoons of Aloe vera  (about 80 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of lime (20 g)


  • Bring the water to a boil.
  • When the water boils, add the Aloe vera .
  • After obtaining a homogeneous mixture, add the two spoons of lime and let it infuse for a few minutes.
  • Pour a few drops of lemon.
  • Filter the mixture before drinking it.

With these hot drinks your interior will be clean and you will prevent an infinite number of diseases.

If you don’t consume them on a daily basis as we recommend you do, it is vital that you do so at least one week per month.

Observe yourself and tell us what changes you have noticed. Are you feeling better now? With more energy?

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