Friendship Between Women: A Sensational Way To Combat Stress

We could conjure up thousands of arguments to prove how much friendship is beneficial, healthy and necessary for human beings, and even so it would not be enough.

Friendship between women helps us to have this complicity and to allay fears while managing to put our problems into perspective and to forget our anxieties.

Numerous studies and works carried out by the field of social psychology and health show us something much more precise and interesting at the same time.

Friendship between women has a much more intense and positive impact than among men. So much so that this feeling of connection and established complicity is a very good mechanism for reducing stress and anxiety.

On the other hand, something essential must also be clarified. It’s not about having a lot of friends. What affects our health and well-being the most is having genuine and meaningful friendships. Those that can be counted on the fingers of one hand.

Today we want to talk to you about it.

In a world full of emptiness what counts are positive connections

Nowadays we are all more connected than ever but just as more distant than ever.

We have dozens of friends on our social networks. We communicate by message where everything is immediate. But where we use emoticons to represent emotions, then in real life we ​​are not so nimble anymore.

We organize groups on WhatsApp. We say hello and good night to each other with this type of device. However, despite this greater interaction, the voids are all the larger as well as this feeling that we are missing something.

That something is a fulfilling personal life. In which we are surrounded by special people, people who bring us joy when we see them. Security through their proximity, special beings to whom we can offer our friendship and our complicity in exchange for nothing.

In addition, a sensational way to combat this existential vacuum is to foster good social relations. In which friendship is something very important for the female gender.

Women react to stress differently

Women react to stress differently

To understand how and in what manner we deal with stress, men and women, we must immerse ourselves in the fascinating world of neuropsychology.

  • So when a woman is anxious and stressed for a long time, a real “cocktail” of neurotransmitters is poured into her blood, mostly made up of cortisol and epinephrine.
  • They cause an increase in blood pressure and blood sugar.
  • In women, there is a hormone that works as a neurotransmitter. This is the key to reducing the impact of those previously mentioned. We are talking about oxytocin.

Oxytocin, in addition to stopping the production of cortisol and epinephrine, brings us calm, soothes fears and gives us a great feeling of security.

For their part, in men, stress acts in a more complex way.

  • To begin with, there is one aspect that is interesting in itself. They produce less oxytocin.
  • As they have a less harmonious presence of oxytocin than women, they feel the need for flight and struggle more.
  • In the same way, and in the medium term, they retain their emotions more. They don’t open up so easily to talk about this intimate and personal universe of emotions.

All this causes stress to be a deeper and chronic dimension in the male gender.

Friendship between women, a major supplier of oxytocin

friendship between women, great supplier of oxytocin

Women have this genetic need to be “connected” with others. They want to build bonds based on empathy and recognition.

All this is probably explained by the high presence of oxytocin in the brains of women. It is a hormone that aims to promote care and attention to others.

  • So when life is curled up. When stress attacks us and fears grip us, the woman seeks friendship with other women to regulate these fears and find this comforting complicity with which she can free herself from her anxieties, and put her problems into perspective.
  • On the other hand, we must also see that friendship is a dimension which brings to the feminine gender different aspects – and at the same time complementary – to a couple relationship or to the family bond.
  • You have a strong and meaningful friendship. So you know that it will allow you to free yourself from your thoughts and emotions without being judged as it can happen when talking with a family member.
  • But you also know that these friends don’t have to solve your problems. It is not their function or what they are looking for. What they need is to feel heard and to know that they are understood.

To conclude, a circle of positive, solid and respectful friendships is the key to health and fullness of life for all of us, both men and women.

However, in women, this emotional connection is more intense and more necessary.

Because, let’s face it, nothing is more therapeutic than going for a coffee with your long-time friends so that the problems disappear in a second …

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