Find Out How Old Your Skin Is And Ways To Rejuvenate It

How old is your skin?  We do not often take care of our epidermis, which is nevertheless a fragile protective layer, which cannot erase the lesions caused by the sun, or by the intense cold.

Often times, we forget to nourish our skin intensely, and it ages faster than we would like.

We all come to a point in our lives when every smile creates wrinkles around the eyes, on the cheeks, etc.

These are obvious signs of the passage of time, but also of the lack of prevention,  care, and treatment that we provide to our skin.

The passage of time is of course an invincible enemy, which we must accept with fatalism.

However, there are many remedies that we can do to make our skin look younger. Discover them all in this article!

Genetics, lifestyle and care

Our skin is like a sponge, which absorbs everything in its environment, inside and out (sunlight, cold, tobacco, pollution, food, etc.).

However, some factors will affect the appearance of our skin and its health more than others, so that we will age visibly. 

  • According to experts, from the age of 35, our skin begins to experience changes. We start to age according to the genetic pattern passed down to us from our parents, especially in the eye area.
  • It is from this age that, little by little, our cells lose their ability to regenerate. This process is inevitable and is part of the genetic heritage of each.
  • You may be visualizing the image of your mother or father, wondering if you are going to grow old like them.
    It is obvious that genetics influence the aging process, but only up to 30%.
    That is to say that 70% of the aging process takes place according to our lifestyle.
    The age of your skin is therefore a direct consequence of your lifestyle, and the way you take care of yourself.
    It is therefore worth taking steps to remedy your bad habits, and paying attention to your skin on a daily basis.

The apparent age of your skin

We are going to suggest that you take a little test to assess how old your apparent skin is.

We invite you to draw your own conclusions using simple indicators.

Read them and think about the possible answers objectively. We are sure this will help you get a clearer picture of the actual condition and age of your skin.

1. How did your mothers and aunts age?

  • They look their age.
  • They have aged very well, and look younger than they are.
  • Their skin is very wrinkled, with very marked spots and lines of expression.

2. Have you yo-yoed with your weight throughout your life?

  • Yes, during my teenage years I started to gain weight. I went through many phases during which I lost weight and then put on weight quickly.
  • No, I have always maintained a more or less constant weight throughout my life.

3. How would you rate your lifestyle?

  • Rather sedentary.
  • Very active. I go out for a walk every day and play sports.
  • I play sports from time to time, when I have the time.

4. How do you relate to the sun?

  • I never expose myself. I try to avoid it altogether in the summer, and always put on a protective makeup primer when I get out of the house.
  • I love to expose myself to the sun. I tan a lot during the summer, and I will often get UV in the winter.
  • My relationship with the sun is pretty healthy. I expose myself moderately in summer, and I never forget to protect myself.

5. How do you take care of your skin?

  • I put on moisturizer every day.
  • I wash my face often, hydrate, exfoliate, use vitamin C and retinol creams.
  • I apply an anti-wrinkle cream every night.
  • I don’t use any cream.

6. Which of the following statements corresponds to you the most?

  • I am a smoker.
  • I sometimes suffer from insomnia and I get very little sleep.
  • I often go to bed late.
  • I like junk food, like pastries. I don’t eat a lot of vegetables.

What conclusion do you draw from this little test?  In general, people whose ancestors appear older than their age, who have frequently varied their weight, who have been exposed to the sun regularly, and whose lifestyles are poor, look older than their age.

However, even if you do not recognize yourself in any of the following statements, it is still important  to follow a few simple rules to take care of the age of your skin.

We will explain how to do this.

Learn how to take care of your skin

How old is your skin after cleansing.

  • Avoid exposing yourself to the sun. You already know it, it is one of the biggest enemies of our skin. If you want to tan during the summer, remember not to go out in the midday hours, and to use a good sunscreen.
  • Use a makeup base that protects against the sun.
  • Cleanse and exfoliate your skin every day,  apply a vitamin C cream around the eyes, and a cream containing retinol to the rest of your face.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day.
  • Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your daily diet . Avoid meals that contain too much fat and salt.
  • Take care of your weight and try to keep it stable.
  • Get between 6 and 8 hours of sleep a day. Insomnia and going to bed very late affects the health of our skin.

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