10 Habits To Be Happier

Remember that you only reap what you sow. If you walk the streets smiling, the world will smile back at you.

“To be happy like a fish in water” is possible. Do you remember the last time you laughed out loud, until you had a stomach ache? Or when you have felt happy because of the beautiful things that happen to you every day?

If you believe that sadness or dissatisfaction dominates your life, read this article to learn more about the best habits that make you happier.

How to be happier?

Spend more time outdoors

If during the whole week you are locked in an office or in an apartment without trees around, take advantage of the weekends to go to the park, to a village surrounded by nature, to the beach.

Spending time in the open air will make you feel more motivated and your sanity will thank you for it.

The color green has been scientifically proven to generate not only happiness, but also positivity and emotional stability.

Plus, going to a place where silence is the only sound around will relax you and lower your stress levels.

Sunbathing for a few minutes will help you build vitamin D, which is very much related to good health, but also to being happy and to getting rid of depression.

Sweat more

Many of us don’t like exercise very much. However, it has many benefits, in addition to helping us lose weight and tone our muscles.

Quite simply because it allows us to free ourselves from toxins. A workout session or at least a walk around a park will allow you to flush the toxicity out of your body, which translates into increased happiness and increased production of disease-fighting hormones.

As if that were not enough, your skin will be much more beautiful, it will free itself from its tensions and “you will sleep like a baby”.

Sleep more

No matter how much activity you do each day, you need to get 7-8 hours of sleep (straight!) At night.

And if you have the option of taking a nap, don’t hesitate. Sleep has a link with good humor, optimism and productivity.

Cutting back on the hours of sleep, on the contrary, causes depression, irritability, headaches etc.

And, as much as possible, it’s about sticking to a schedule for going to bed and getting up, so the body and mind are used to it.


There is no need to travel to Tibet or join a temple full of shaved-headed monks!

You can meditate at home when you have a few minutes each day. Or look for a perfect place and the perfect time to do it.

Some opt for early morning meditation to feel more fulfilled and happy every day, others choose to meditate when the sun is setting to remove all the bad vibrations from the day.

It’s up to you. At first it will be difficult to “completely clear your mind”, but gradually you will get there.

Find a new hobby

A hobby is mentally stimulating, often very fun, and takes you out of your routine. It will help you to be happier, because it will increase your self-confidence, it will allow you to make friends, to have a quality time doing something you like.

If you’ve always wanted to learn Spanish, do taekwondo or play the piano, now is the time!

Listen to positive music to be happier

It may be the type of music that appeals to you the most: disco, electronic, salsa or pop. The important thing is that it makes you feel good.

Turn up the volume of the music when you get home, tidy up, or cook dinner. Put on your headphones and enjoy them when you go to work in the morning. Make your life always full of music.

So you can reduce stress and be happier. And if you want to dance, do not deprive yourself!

Write down everything that happens

All people have problems and concerns. A good way to relieve them or find a solution is by writing about them.

Keeping a diary (which no one should read) will make you feel much more at ease.

Write down any negative thoughts you have, roll them up, and throw them in the trash. With this “symbolic” act, the brain will realize that whatever is written on this sheet is not good for you.

You don’t have to be a perfect writer, jot down what goes through your mind and don’t think about syntax or misspellings.

Be grateful to be happier

How long has it been since you said “thank you”? Being grateful and having an attitude of gratitude is really very important to being happy.

And this word which sometimes can seem so difficult to say, has real effects, the most purifying. You should not only tell other people, but also yourself.

Thank yourself for the beautiful things you have (of which there are really many), feel happy for your feelings, your health, your home, your job, your plans, the bed you sleep in and the food you eat.

Being grateful for life in general will allow you to experience more than positive emotions.

Be a good best friend to be happier

Do the following exercise: Analyze your behavior as a friend and know if this is how you want to live your friendships. Are you present? Do you listen to them, advise them when they need you?

What are the things that you would like to change in your personality, in your role as a friend? Do you consider your friendships to be happy?

Friends are the family we choose, and that choice is mutual.

If you feel happy, they too will feel happy. Cultivate friendship on a daily basis, show your feelings to your friends.

Spread joy everywhere to be happier

Do you really want to be happy? Give happiness wherever you go. Forget about mood swings, complaints or insults on the street.

Always have a smile on your lips, a “thank you” and a positive attitude. Without a doubt, it will spread throughout your surroundings and you will feel the effects.

People will want to emulate you, they will feel happy around you, they will start to smile at your smiles. Remember that whatever you give, you will receive it.

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