6 Tips To Consume 300 Calories Less Per Day

Opting for light snacks and drinking herbal teas are two tips that help to consume up to 300 calories less per day. By doing this every day, you can lose 500 grams in a week.

Find out here how to save 300 calories per day. 

It’s no secret … Excessive calorie consumption is one of the main factors responsible for weight gain, as are poor eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle.

It is difficult to achieve satisfactory results with a diet that does not take into account the number of calories.

Although it is true that low calorie diets give rapid results , in the medium and long term these diets lead to failure and cause counterproductive effects in the body.

For these reasons, rather than following a “miracle” diet, the ideal is to adopt a balanced diet that includes “a bit of everything”.

By following this basic principle and adopting the following few tips, you will lose weight in a healthy way.

Nevertheless, it should be borne in mind that the effects always vary depending on the rate of each person’s metabolism, as well as their eating habits.

In short, the following tips will be useless if your diet is rich in fats, sugars and other foods that are harmful to health.

Always keep in mind that the tips for losing weight work when the basic diet is healthy and balanced. Are you ready to test our tips?

1. Eating healthy snacks helps save 300 calories per day

woman who eats a snack and wants to consume 300 calories less per day

Many people eat healthy main dishes with the correct calorie count.

But sometimes these same people tend to make bad choices when it comes to snacking to alleviate a craving.

For example, a croissant can contain almost 300 calories. If, in addition, you accompany this croissant with a coffee that contains milk and sugar, you can count 66 more calories.

On the other hand, a low calorie yogurt, a bowl of fruit or a glass of vegetable milk does not contain more than 150 calories. It is therefore preferable to opt for healthy snacks… Don’t you think so?

Here are some examples :

  • bowl of oats with fruits
  • wholemeal cookies with avocado
  • herbal teas
  • fruit and vegetable smoothies
  • handful of dried fruits with low fat yogurt
  • Orange juice
  • vegetable sandwich

2. Prefer open sandwiches

Sandwiches can be a calorie bomb when not carefully prepared.

If you are looking to save 300 calories per day, we recommend that you opt for open sandwiches rather than traditional sandwiches.

With this little trick, you will save up to 110 calories. Plus, if you skip seasonings like mayonnaise, you’ll save another 120 calories.

Also prefer natural tuna. This will save you 65 more calories compared to tuna in oil.

3. Opt for light salads

Warning ! A salad is not always the best option for saving calories.

We tend to think of salads as healthy meals, but that’s not always the case. Worse yet, there are certain recipes that will fail by causing you to gain weight.

So, if you want to save 300 calories per day, you should check the ingredients in your salads.

If the salad contains cheese, ham and high fat seasonings, it is better to make another choice. Instead, opt for salads rich in fresh vegetables and raw vegetables.

4. Limit your oil consumption

While there are healthy options like olive oil or sunflower oil, it’s still best to limit your oil intake.

There are many ways to limit your oil consumption. If you want to lose 300 calories per day, it is best to go with steam or boiling.

If you need to use oil, we advise you to use silicone brush or spray to avoid excess.

5. Avoid sauces and creams

Sauces and creams are prohibited in all slimming diets. Although a single spoonful of sauce or cream contains only 52 calories on average, in a salad, the sauce can contain almost 300 calories.

It is therefore preferable to replace sauces and creams with lighter options such as skimmed yogurt or plant-based milk. Nevertheless, once again, it is to be consumed in moderation.

6. Drink herbal teas

woman who drinks herbal tea to consume 300 calories less per day

Food cravings are common between meals, even after eating a healthy snack. Many people alleviate these cravings by consuming more calories than they need.

To avoid this problem and, by the way, save 300 calories per day, the good idea is to drink slimming herbal teas.

Not only are these drinks calorie-free, they also contain nutrients that stimulate the metabolism as  well as the purification process.

Here are some interesting options:

  • green tea
  • pineapple and ginger tea
  • red tea
  • cinnamon and chamomile
  • lemon

Are you determined to put these six tips into practice? If your basic diet is healthy and balanced, these tips will help you lose weight more easily.

Remember to drink plenty of water every day and get physical activity.

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