Writing Helps Us Heal Our Wounds

Even though what we write may seem meaningless to us, by writing without filter we let our thoughts out and can come back to them later.

Writing helps me express everything that is happening inside me. Pain, disappointment, sadness, desolation …

I know it’s just a simple sheet of paper and a pencil, though. But it feels so liberating to me that I can’t do without doing it.

Does this happen to you too? Does writing allow you to free yourself? The ink eventually turns into what your interior screams.

Words flow and tell stories that stay in the past …

Write about our emotionsto write

Most of us need to let off steam, to say how we feel, to talk about what is happening to us. However, it is not the same to speak as it is to write.

When you start to fill that blank sheet of paper with thoughts rushing through your brain, it all starts to make sense.

Let us not forget that when we feel bad and our world crumbles, we take refuge in a chaos from which it is almost impossible to escape.

The great variety of emotions that run through us and make us suppose and worry excessively, this liberating cry but which does not completely satisfy us …

Writing not only helps you put those dire ideas down on paper, but also allows you to order them, to make them mean you didn’t think you could find them.

Imagine, for example, that you are going through a very painful stage in your romantic relationships.

You are not able to know what is going on. You simply feel, you despair, and eventually find yourself overcome with anxiety and doubts. So you’re like, “What the hell is wrong with me?” Write, and you will know it …

Once all the words are on the paper, you can read them as many times as you need. You will be amazed to find out what is really happening in you.

You may find that you are emotionally addicted, that you come to terms with a situation that doesn’t suit you, that you are with someone you don’t really want to be with.

These written thoughts will unveil the crudest reality to you. However, thanks to them, you will be able to find a way to find calm.

Speed ​​up the healing process

Every negative experience causes us a deep hurt. The longer we ignore it, the bigger it will have become.

This is why it is so important to write. Thus, you will realize what is happening to you in reality.

It doesn’t matter if one of your problems is the previous example. The death of a loved one, a professional layoff, an argument… all of these circumstances need to be released in words.

Because not only will this allow you to see what is happening more clearly, but it will also speed up the healing process.

Every word is like balm for your wound. This is possible because, by writing, we release tension, stress and anxiety.

to write

A lot of people can’t write good stories or write deep poems if they don’t have emotions running high.

This happens because when we are in this state, words flow more easily, and  it is not our logic that speaks, but our feelings.

Those feelings that need to be expressed, in any way, through crazy words or incoherent phrases.

Write expressively

If you’ve tried this way of writing but haven’t got the results you expected, maybe it’s because you haven’t explored expressive writing.

Many people think too much in writing  ; they want to build coherent sentences, that everything is well explained.

It is not about that . Writing in an expressive way is to transpose everything that comes to your mind as it is. Without additives, without formulas …

Simply, by letting out the chaos.

It doesn’t matter if what you write down doesn’t make sense, it will when you read it later. This will be the moment when you realize what is going on.

If, despite this, you are unable to find meaning in it, let a few days go by and come back to these words. By letting time pass and taking a step back, you will be able to see things from a different perspective.

Writing is one of the most effective ways to release stress and get our life in order when it needs it.

A way to let off steam and find meaning in what initially seemed to have no meaning.

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