The 9 Risks You Run If You Don’t Wear Sunglasses

If you use unapproved sunglasses, you can also suffer negative consequences in the long term. This is why it is essential to wear suitable glasses all year round, not just in summer.

Sometimes we don’t realize that the sun shines on the sky behind the clouds, or we think it’s unimportant to wear sunglasses in the winter. However, the effects of UV rays on our eyesight are very dangerous, and not only during the summer.
Read on to learn more about the risks of not wearing sunglasses.

The risks you run if you don’t wear sunglasses

Sunglasses are not just a fashion accessory that you can match with your best outfits, but they are the most effective way to protect your eyes from the effects of ultraviolet rays all year round.

It has been proven that not wearing glasses can have serious consequences on our health. We decided to tell you about the most common.

The direct consequences of UV rays without sunglasses

Ultraviolet rays are very dangerous radiation for our eyesight, since they can cause, for example, cataracts or permanent damage to the cornea.

Headaches and eye strain

hand around the sun

The sun’s shine irritates our eyes and can cause very severe headaches, which can lead to migraines if not treated properly.

Dry eye

The eyes need to be hydrated to be able to perform their most basic functions, especially to be able to focus. Exposing them to UV rays can cause blurred vision, irritation and itching.


Too much photosensitivity makes it difficult to see properly in places that are too bright or too bright, especially when natural light comes into play.

While taking certain medications may cause this effect, not wearing sunglasses is the primary cause.

A worsening of jet lag

If the sensation of jetlagging ( starting from a point in a time zone, to arrive at another point in a different time zone) has little to do with our eyesight, sudden changes in light can be a factor. make it worse.


woman wearing sunglasses

Photophobia is a great sensitivity to normal light conditions. This condition is very disabling because it affects people who suffer from it throughout the day.

Macular degeneration

This disease, which occurs in the center of the retina, is one of the most serious conditions that can affect the eye. While it is usually caused by natural aging of the eye, not wearing glasses can make it worse.


This inflammation of the conjunctiva is characterized by abundant morning secretions, lesions on the eyelids and very unpleasant itching.


The sun can burn our eyelids, the part of our body that is supposed to protect us from the harsh UV rays.

Why should you wear sunglasses in winter?

woman wearing sunglasses 2

Here is one of the myths that we need to deconstruct in this article. Thus, we often hear that we should not wear sunglasses in winter.

Since the sun is not shining in the sky, we do not need to protect ourselves. This reasoning, which may seem logical at first glance, is very far from the truth.

It is not because the king star is hidden by large black clouds that we are out of reach of the rays it emits. It is just as present as in the middle of summer. However, we do not realize it.

Likewise, if the snow starts to fall in your town or you go skiing, you should use special glasses that cover not only your eyes, but a good part of your face as well.

The snow forms a very clear surface which perfectly reflects the rays of the sun. These then go directly to our face. This phenomenon can cause severe burns and serious eye damage.

Should children use sunglasses?

Of course ! In the same way that ultraviolet rays do not differentiate between summer and winter to damage our eyes, they cannot recognize an adult from a child.

It is therefore essential that children quickly get into the habit of leaving their homes with glasses.

The good news is that the big eyewear brands have launched, for several years, seasonal collections specially designed for children, with fun colors and patterns, cartoon or movie characters, different sizes and shapes, which will delight our little darlings.

What are the dangers of poor quality sunglasses?

We are going to discuss a truly taboo subject, but one that is important to explore for your health. But also that of your whole family.

Buying glasses that are not approved by national, European and international medical and optical associations is dangerous. Indeed, it can have serious consequences on your eye health.

Instead of protecting our eyesight, most of these glasses have disastrous side effects. That is, they damage our eyes more than if we did not use glasses.

Cases of patients with keratitis (inflammation of the cornea), conjunctivitis (inflammation of the conjunctiva), early cataracts are common.

Likewise, dry eyes and dizziness are, for the most part, due to the use of glasses that have been purchased at a market, at a fair, on the public highway or through the internet. That is to say, not at a professional optician.

It is important to visit a qualified optician to purchase approved sunglasses. Indeed, they are the only ones able to protect us properly against UV rays.

As the damage is progressive, it does not appear overnight. So we don’t immediately realize that we are affecting our sight.

When we realize that something is wrong, it is often already too late.


Poor quality glasses “deceive” our eye, an organ as fragile as it is essential. It is important to understand how bad they are for our eyes.

This is why we are going to tell you about the three types of solar radiation that exist and why poor quality glasses cannot protect you against them.

  • Ultraviolet (UV) radiations: these are certainly the most dangerous and they are present all the time, even when the weather is bad. They are responsible for damage to the cornea, premature aging of the eye and damage to the conjunctiva.
  • Infrared radiations: these are the ones that transmit a feeling of heat to us and which have the capacity to burn us. If the eye absorbs too much of these rays, it can suffer from burns.
  • Visible radiation: this is the natural light we receive from the sun. Without proper protection, they can damage our eye, especially our retina.

Glasses that are not approved filter visible sunlight, but not ultraviolet radiation. This phenomenon causes our pupil to dilate to allow light to pass through.

The problem is that UV and infrared radiation can also pass through, increasing the risk of eye damage. Radiation is stored in the lens and is not eliminated, which is why we speak of a cumulative effect.

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