What Causes Inflammation Of The Fingers?

If you only have one flaming finger, it may have been hit. However, if this inflammation lasts longer than five days, see your doctor.

Find out what causes inflammation of the fingers. Has it ever happened to you, to look at your hands and notice that your rings are suddenly too narrow? Or that your fingers look swollen or even a little different color?  What can this be due to?

The causes can be quite varied, most of the time they are not serious, but on other occasions such symptoms can indicate an illness. Read instead …

Why are my fingers throwing me so much?

Inflammation of the fingers

This situation is however more common than you might think. Sometimes you may walk for a few minutes and then find that your hands and fingers start to swell, and you are uncomfortable. This is in fact due to a defect in the circulation of the blood.

Inflammation can also be due to an injury or trauma, this type of disease is moreover the most common. However, we must still be careful that this type of inflammation is not actually an indicator of joint disease, which is what we will see below.

  • Abrasions or bruises : have you given yourself a blow? Did a scratch? Did a dog bite you? So in this case the answer will be obvious. But on other occasions you may give yourself a blow, but not give it enough importance, then a few hours later you may notice the onset of inflammation.
  • Cartilage or ligament damage : if you have, for example, repetitive work and you always do the same movements with your fingers or hands, then your fingers may also appear much more inflamed and swollen. The cause could be an injury to the cartilage.
  • Bursitis  : Bursitis is an inflammation of a bursa that protects and facilitates movement of the joints. This is a very painful condition that inflames the fingers and can cause the area to swell. Sometimes small painful balls can even come out of the fingers.
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome : you must already know this painful reality, because it is very common with us women. Carpal tunnel syndrome is manifested by pressure on the nerves passing through the wrist. A person with this syndrome often has inflamed fingers. The person may even lose some of their sensitivity in the fingers. As we were telling you, this is a very painful thing.

Other causes:

  • Ganglia:   This condition occurs when the upper part of the joints and tendons start to swell. This inflammation can then also affect the fingers.
  • An infection: it is an evil that we can ignore. There are certain bacterial infections such as Staphylococcus aureus causing inflammation in the fingers. This kind of inflammation is very painful and can even cause a fever.
  • The whitlow:  of course, this disease will be particularly noticeable, generally affecting a single finger. It is an infection around the nail, very painful, and which only inflames the nail area, it can even generate pus.
  • Rheumatoid Arthritis:  Sadly, rheumatoid arthritis is a very common reality that we cannot escape. It is an autoimmune and chronic disease affecting the joints. The sensation of inflammation is then very painful and usually begins in the fingers. It is therefore advisable, if you have symptoms of inflammation, not to rule out the possibility of rheumatoid arthritis.
  • Septic arthritis:  this type of arthritis is infectious, and therefore must be differentiated, from rheumatoid arthritis. In general, the symptoms are the same, so your doctor will make the diagnosis.

When one or more of your fingers are throwing you, then you should be very attentive to this type of symptoms. Observe your fingers, and see how swollen they are. ..

If it is all the fingers, it is very likely that it is a circulatory problem, or metacarpal syndrome. If it’s a single finger, and it’s very localized to the nail, you may have kicked yourself.

The inflammation may even be due to an insect bite. But if this inflammation lasts longer than five days, go see a doctor anyway.

How to deal with inflammation of your fingers?

Inflammation of the fingers

Of course, as we told you before, if you see that this inflammation lasts too long, then it is necessary that you go to a doctor. While waiting for the medical appointment, you can always try to apply the following advice:

1. Hot and cold baths of rosemary water : Rosemary is generally recommended to reduce inflammation of the joints and cartilage. You can therefore make yourself an infusion with two sprigs of rosemary and then immerse your fingers in these hot preparations for about three minutes. Then do the same in a bowl of cold water. And alternate. This temperature difference will improve blood circulation and thus reduce inflammation. Finally, you can massage yourself with a few drops of rosemary essential oil.

2. If you think that this inflammation of the fingers is of bacterial origin : then try to pass a clove of garlic over the infected area. This is because garlic is a powerful antibacterial that may help you with this inflammation problem.

3. Ginger Poultices  : This medicinal root can help reduce your inflammation problems. You can then grate a few pieces of ginger, make an infusion, and use it on your inflamed fingers for a few minutes. Then take the roots that were used to make the infusion and make a poultice. However, be careful not to over tighten it.

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