How To Do An Intestinal Cleansing At Home?

Fermented foods, fruits and vegetables rich in fiber are the most favorable for the proper functioning of the body, which is why we must always follow a balanced diet.

We have already told you about the importance of intestinal cleansing, and of detoxifying the liver and kidneys, at least once a year.

However, we must also not forget the large intestine or the colon, whose main function is to absorb a small part of the nutrients that have been assimilated, and to accumulate the stool, which will then be expelled.

In this article, we give you all the keys so that you can perform a simple intestinal cleansing at home, in a completely natural way.

A week of intestinal cleansing

This cleaning lasts for a week, although it is possible to extend up to 15 days if you notice that you need it.

However, it is important that after this cleanse you try to maintain good eating habits to continue to see benefits and that your gut does not immediately suffer from the negative effects of previous bad habits.

Prohibited foods and permitted foods

During this week, you will need to be very strict about your diet to get good results in a short time.

To do this, you will first need to eliminate the following foods from your diet:

  • Cereals and refined flour, as well as their pastry and bakery derivatives. Replace them with whole grains and flour, ie with natural fibers.
  • White sugar and sugary drinks: Use bee honey, brown sugar, or rapadura. You can drink natural juices without sugar.
  • Refined oils and fried foods : Choose first cold pressed olive or coconut oil and eat them raw, without frying them.
  • Red meat and cold meats: You can consume white meat, fish, eggs and pulses as the main source of protein.
  • Milk and dairy products: The only exception is cottage cheese or fresh cheese, as far as possible from goat or sheep. You can also drink vegetable drinks made with oats, rice, millet, spelled, etc.
  • Also ban coffee and tobacco.

Perform an intestinal cleansing.

Improve bowel function

During these days, it is fundamental to stimulate and facilitate bowel function for a successful cleansing. To do this, eat the following foods:

  • Flax seeds : soak a small spoonful of flax seeds (approximately 10 grams) in water overnight. The next morning, drink the glass with the water and the seeds on an empty stomach.
  • Prunes  : Eat 3 or 4 prunes on an empty stomach, after the flax seeds.
  • 2 dandelion infusions :  Drink one in the middle of the morning and another in the middle of the afternoon.
  • Pumpkin seeds  : Throughout the day, eat 30 raw pumpkin seeds to eliminate any possible intestinal parasites you may have.
  • Artichoke: In the evening, before going to bed, take an artichoke extract. It can be liquid, capsule, or tablet, and you can buy at a herbalist or pharmacy.

AN intestinal cleansing with artichoke.

A daily intestinal cleansing with chamomile

Enemas, which are a traditional remedy that apply water or an herbal tea directly into the intestines, help us to better cleanse the stool that has accumulated in the intestines.

During this treatment, it will be necessary to perform three enemas, with a day of rest between each.

For this, you will need an irrigator or a pear, which can be found in pharmacies.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • One liter of chamomile infusion. Try to get organic chamomile.
  • The juice of one lemon.
  • A small spoonful of sea salt.
  • A liter of boiling water.

Utensils for intestinal cleansing.

How to perform intestinal cleansing?

  • Mix the ingredients and the preparation will be ready for the enema.
  • You will need to introduce these two liters of liquid with the help of the irrigator’s cannula or the bulb, previously lubricated with a little oil.
  • Do it slowly and stop whenever you need to.
  • You will need to hold on as long as possible, even if you feel like going to the bathroom.
  • Go to the bathroom if the feeling is very bothersome or painful.
  • Repeat this until you have used up all the liquid.

Always do this on an empty stomach, at least two hours after the last meal.

When you have finished this cleansing, take a supplement to repopulate the bacterial flora,  and stimulate and prolong the effects of the cleansing.

These supplements are sold in pharmacies and should be taken between meals, preferably on an empty stomach in the morning.

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