9 Foods To Cleanse Arteries And Veins

To promote healthy arteries and prevent circulation problems, it is important to include foods in our diet that help cleanse the blood and control cholesterol.

In recent years, the number of patients suffering from cholesterol, triglyceride or arterial obstruction problems  has increased considerably.

While health and nutrition experts have tried to draw attention to this, many are still unaware that they harm themselves through their diet.

What is most worrying in all of this is that sedentarism worsens these types of problems and unfortunately ends up drifting onto tragic consequences.

On the other hand, even if at the beginning they are silent diseases, they end up compromising vital functions for health.

Fortunately, certain changes in diet have been shown to help cleanse the blood to get rid of the wastes that are clogging the veins.

As we know that many of you are interested in the subject, below we will reveal the 8 foods that will help you achieve it.

Discover them!

1. Garlic

Garlic for the arteries.

Garlic is one of the most widely used condiments, whether in gastronomy or in alternative medicine.

Its main benefits are attributed to an antioxidant substance known as allicin, which fights damage caused by free radicals and high cholesterol.

These sulfur compounds lower the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL), considered to be the main cause of arterial obstruction.

It is also rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber and other substances that are beneficial for circulatory and cardiovascular health.

2. Oats

Eating oats daily is one of the best habits for maintaining and improving heart health.

This food contains complex carbohydrates and can absorb up to seven times its weight in water.

Since it is a natural source of soluble and insoluble fiber, its ingestion decreases the ability of cholesterol to adhere to arterial walls.

As a result, it has been proven that those who consume it are less likely to suffer from overweight and obesity.

3. Cayenne pepper

Hot pepper for the arteries.

Cayenne pepper contains an active substance called capsaicin whose antioxidant effect prevents bad cholesterol from oxidizing in the arteries.

Its regular consumption improves blood circulation, decreases the risk of thrombosis and controls high blood pressure.

It is recommended for obese patients or those at risk of heart attack or stroke.

4. Lemon

Known to be one of the best natural sources of vitamin C, lemon is an antioxidant food that lowers high blood pressure and inflammation of the arteries.

Thanks to its essential oils, its antioxidants and its vitamins, it helps to cleanse the veins to remove the excess of accumulated lipids.

5. The pomegranate

Pomegranate for the arteries.

The phytochemicals in pomegranate are powerful antioxidants that protect the circulatory system from fat oxidation in the body .

Its regular consumption decreases the accumulation of plaques and the formation of blood clots in the arteries.

Even more, it stimulates the production of nitric oxide in the blood to keep them dilated and with the right pressure.

6. Linen

Flax seeds are among the first ingredients on the list of “super foods” because their nutritional properties are very good for you.

They contain essential fatty acids, antioxidants, protein, and other healthy components that decrease inflammation and improve heart health.

It is an excellent source of alpha-linoleic acid (ALA) which helps keep arteries free from plaques and lipids.

In addition, the fiber unites with the particles of bad cholesterol to facilitate its elimination.

7. Olive oil

Olive oil for the arteries.

Using cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil daily is a great way to improve heart health. Especially if you have a lot of cholesterol.

This variety of oil is a healthy fat and has less possibility of oxidizing compared to other vegetable oils.

8. The lawyer

This delicious fruit with green flesh is characterized by its high content of fatty acids and antioxidants which fight free radicals.

Eating one a day lowers the lipid levels in the body. Improves metabolism and significantly decreases the risk of arteriosclerosis.

9. Tomatoes for the arteries

Tomatoes for the arteries.

This fruit that we use so much in the kitchen has a strong antioxidant power. Which reduces the levels of cholesterol and plaque built up on the artery walls.

By consuming it raw, in a salad or in juice, you get the most out of all its properties. Although lycopene, one of its antioxidants, intensifies its potential if we consume it cooked.

Do you eat these foods regularly? Try to incorporate them into your diet more often to reap their benefits.

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