8 Ways To Use Garlic For Your Health And Beauty

One of the lesser-known properties of garlic is its ability to eliminate acne. Thanks to its compounds, it helps reduce the bacteria that cause it, and eliminate excess fat.

Garlic is one of the most famous and widely used plants in the world. It is characterized by its special flavor, which fits into hundreds of preparations.

Although we have used it in gastronomy since time immemorial, it also has multiple medicinal properties, which can be used to prevent and treat many diseases.

When raw, it contains a large amount of allicin, the action of which on the human body is antiseptic, fungicidal, bactericidal and purifying.

In addition, it is an important source of antioxidant compounds that reduce the action of free radicals, in order to prevent damage due to oxidation.

Thanks to all its virtues, this plant is our number one ally to improve our health and our beauty.

In this article, we are going to share with you 8 ways to use garlic for these purposes. Discover them with us!

1. Garlic is a natural antibiotic

Antibiotics are drugs that help us destroy aggressive microorganisms that attack our bodies in various ways.

We mostly prefer to consume pharmaceutical drugs prescribed to us by our doctor, because they act quickly and seem safer to us.

However, it has been shown that the excessive consumption of these antibiotics is dangerous for our health, in particular because they damage our bacterial flora and they decrease the defenses of our organism.

Garlic is one of the most potent and harmless natural antibiotics around.

It is an excellent alternative to drugs from the pharmaceutical industry which, although very effective, can damage the good bacteria in our body.

2. Garlic takes care of our cardiovascular healthgarlic

Allicin is a compound of sulfur, which becomes concentrated when garlic is crushed.

It has the power to lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the body.

This important benefit allows us to take care of our cardiovascular health, because by reducing these lipids present in the arteries, garlic improves blood circulation throughout the body, and decreases the risk of arterial obstruction, or arteriosclerosis.

Moreover, by facilitating the circulation of blood flow, garlic also allows us to control our blood pressure.

3. Garlic improves digestion

Regular consumption of this plant, in its raw form, helps protect the intestinal flora, and helps regulate various important digestive processes.

Its antiseptic and antibiotic benefits act against parasites and bacteria present in our intestinal tract, to prevent various mild or chronic digestive ailments.

In fact, daily consumption of raw garlic can help prevent the onset of colon cancer.

4. Garlic strengthens the body’s defenses

Thanks to its antiviral and bactericidal properties, and to its contribution in vitamins, antioxidants, as well as minerals, garlic is an excellent food to reinforce our natural defenses.

This ability allows our body to improve its immune response, and therefore effectively prevent the penetration of viruses and bacteria, which could be dangerous for our health.

5. Garlic eliminates acne

The antibacterial benefits of this plant, combined with the faculties of its sulfur compounds, have a positive effect on the skin which tends to suffer from acne.

Applying a paste of crushed garlic to the epidermis reduces the presence of bacteria that cause this skin condition, but also eliminates excess fat.

6. Garlic has an anti-wrinkle effect

The concentration of antioxidant compounds in a garlic clove helps to inhibit the negative action of free radicals on the skin, which are the main culprits of premature aging.

Even though it may not smell very pleasant, topical application of garlic can provide many anti-aging benefits.

In addition, consuming it daily helps protect our skin from the inside.

7. Garlic fights fungus and dandruff

Mushrooms affect our health as much as our beauty.

They can appear on our feet and hands, but also in other places of our body.

Dandruff is caused by a fungus that grows on the scalp.

Fortunately, all of these problems can be eliminated with the antiseptic and antifungal action of garlic.

8. Garlic makes nails stronger

Applying garlic to the surface of the nails can help them to be stronger, not to break too easily, and not to suffer from dryness.

The most important thing is that the antibiotic action of this plant prevents fungi from forming on the nails.

The unpleasant flavor of raw garlic can also help people who bite their nails to do without this nasty habit.

Cut a pod of this plant in half, then rub one half directly on your nails.

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