8 Ways To Get Rid Of Abdominal Bloating Without Any Exercise

In addition to a balanced diet, to put an end to bloating and abdominal discomfort, you can do local massages.

Do you suffer from abdominal bloating and you don’t know how to get rid of this problem without needing to resort to exercises?

Here we give you a series of recommendations that will allow you to relieve this condition quickly and simply.

1. Massages to reduce gas

Sometimes the abdominal bloating we suffer from is due to a buildup of gas. Fortunately, in these cases, it is possible to avoid them with a simple massage.

How to do ?

  • You are going to massage yourself in the navel area.
  • Put 4 fingers on it, horizontally.
  • At the middle finger level, you will find the exact point you are looking for.
  • Once you locate it, massage it clockwise for 2-3 minutes.
  • You will know if you are doing it right because the saliva production must increase.

2. Massage to reduce fluid retention

get rid of abdominal bloating with massage to reduce fluid retention

If you are looking to reduce the amount of fluid retained in your body, which has a bloated appearance, try this massage.

How to do ?

  • For this massage, once again, take the navel as a reference. The point you are looking for is two fingers below.
  • Apply some pressure to this area. Then massage for 2 or 3 minutes in a clockwise direction, then in the other direction.

3. Massage against abdominal bloating

With this massage that we present to you here, you will be able to increase intestinal activity and thus avoid constipation, which can be the cause of abdominal bloating.

How to do ?

  • Here you will focus on the area below the navel, 4 fingers below, and massage for 2 or 3 minutes clockwise, then counterclockwise.
  • This simple gesture will be of great help to you to promote peristaltic movements.
  • In addition to relieving constipation, you will also be able to de-swell the area.

Drink lemon water

Did you know that drinking a glass of lukewarm lemon water every morning, 15-20 minutes before breakfast, will help normalize gastric juice production and relieve heartburn symptoms.

This is a solution capable of canceling burping and preventing the formation of gas in the intestines. In addition, this mixture is very rich in vitamin C.

Forget the latte for breakfast

Coffee with milk for breakfast is one of the most popular drinks. However, if you are looking to keep your gut healthy, you better ban this mixture and turn to healthier alternatives.

Note that milk stimulates the production of gastric juice and increases acidity. Coffee has a similar effect to milk in the stomach, and coffee with milk has an effect that is even worse.

How to do ?

  • If you can’t do without your dairy ration in the morning, you can substitute milk for yogurt. This will allow bacteria in your stomach to digest the food.

6. Don’t drink alcohol on an empty stomach

Alcoholic drinks stimulate the production of gastric juice. They are not good if the stomach is empty because they slow down the work of the stomach and damage the walls of the stomach.

In addition, if you drink alcohol frequently, you should know that it is a drink that kills the microflora of the stomach and intestines. It is best to drink it moderately and always have something in your stomach.

7. Eliminate Fat From Your Diet

Eating fatty foods regularly is something to be avoided in any case. You should know that fatty foods, such as junk food and sugary desserts are heavy foods and slow to digest.

The more difficult the stomach has to digest, the more gas it produces. If you want to avoid the heaviness and discomfort that these foods can cause, we recommend that you opt for a more balanced diet with more fruits and vegetables.

Your body will thank you for it.

  • See as well : Take care of your liver by eating more of these 8 foods

8. Yes to fiber foods, but in moderation

Fiber foods are recommended, but care should be taken not to consume too much. Add the daily amount of fruits, vegetables, berries and pulses, but without going overboard.

Otherwise, too much fiber can promote gas production and abdominal bloating. In addition, they can make it difficult for the bowel to function.

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