8 Benefits Of Cauliflower

Eating cauliflower does not only bring benefits internally. An external application, on the skin, fights the action of free radicals and stimulates cell regeneration.

Cauliflower is a member of the cruciferous vegetable family, just like broccoli and other varieties of cabbage.

Many do not dare to consume it because of its bad reputation, due to the smells it releases and the inflammation it causes in the stomach.

It is nevertheless a vegetable that deserves to be incorporated into our daily diet. Indeed, from a nutritional point of view, it is rich in vitamins, minerals and powerful antioxidants that improve health.

It is also a multi-purpose food. We can indeed integrate it easily into salads, soups and many other cooked dishes.

If you’re one of those people who puts cauliflower aside, read this article. You will thus discover the 8 benefits that it brings to the body.

1. Cauliflower protects heart health

Cauliflower contains a substance called sulforaphane which improves blood pressure and kidney function.

This compound is linked to the enhancement of DNA methylation, which is key for proper cell function and gene expression, especially in the inner part of the arteries.

It also provides a phyto-chemical called allicin which reduces cholesterol levels and the risk of strokes.

2. It improves brain health

Its high content of Hill, a type of B vitamin, makes it a great ally for health and brain development.

The consumption of cauliflower during pregnancy has many benefits for brain activity, especially for cognitive function and memory.

In fact, adults who consume it frequently are protected from age-related deterioration and toxins.

3. It is diuretic and purifying

A large percentage of the components of this vegetable is water. Although it also contains potassium and a little sodium.

It has a diuretic effect on the body. It therefore promotes the elimination of liquids retained in the tissues. 

This property is also good for people who have high blood pressure, as cauliflower regulates it while increasing urine output.

It also has purifying qualities that stimulate the elimination of toxins and accumulated substances like uric acid or urea, among others.

4. It is good for pregnant women

Consumption of cauliflower is excellent for pregnant women because it is an important source of folic acid (B9), a nutrient necessary for the proper development of the fetus.

Folate is involved in the production of red and white blood cells, the synthesis of genetic material, and the formation of antibodies that support the immune system.

Its consumption is also recommended for people who take oral contraceptives because they reduce the presence of folic acid.

5. It promotes digestion

Its high fiber content gives it laxative properties. It therefore improves digestion while reducing constipation.

Fiber is an essential nutrient for stimulating bowel movement and expelling wastes retained in the system.

Cauliflower contains a compound called glucoraphanin, which takes care of the stomach and intestines against serious illnesses like cancer and ulcers.

6. It is anti-cancercauliflower

Sulforaphane is a sulfur compound that cauliflower contains in large amounts. It has the capacity to eliminate the mother cells of several types of cancers.

Cauliflower could therefore help delay the growth of the tumor.  Some experts even believe that it may be key to controlling the disease.

Other compounds like indoles and isothiocyanates have shown positive results in the prevention and treatment of cancers such as:

  • Breast cancer
  • Prostate
  • Colon
  • Bladder
  • Liver
  • Lung

7. It helps weight loss

Thanks to its low calorie content and its nutritional richness, cauliflower is a great ally for people trying to lose weight.

Its fibers prolong the feeling of satiety. They help control eating disorders, such as the urge to eat calories.

8. It is good for the skin

Cauliflower has a large number of antioxidants and nutrients that help maintain beautiful and healthy skin.

The consumption of cauliflower stimulates cell regeneration. It also inhibits damage caused by free radicals, the main triggers of premature aging.

As you can see, while it doesn’t seem like the best vegetable, cauliflower is a good source of nutrients that we can take advantage of.

Look for several recipes to cook it and eat it at least once or twice a week to take advantage of its properties!

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