7 Tips To Help You Relax During An Anxiety Attack

Breath control is fundamental to overcoming an anxiety attack. To make it easier, you can put your hands on your stomach or chest to feel the movements of the body.

An anxiety attack is a difficult condition to treat because it is an unexpected situation in which you lose control of your body, with symptoms such as tachycardia, tremors, sweating, transient loss of vision or of hearing.

In this article, we give you 7 tips to learn how to relax naturally in the face of the first symptoms of an anxiety attack.

What is an anxiety attack?

Anxiety attacks, also known as panic attacks, are very intense reactions of our body, during which there is a loss of control. They are also accompanied by other symptoms:

  • Tachycardia
  • Sweating and chills
  • Feeling of suffocation
  • Tightness in the chest
  • Nausea or stomach upset
  • Fear or panic

An anxiety attack, which can have varying degrees of severity, is triggered by catastrophic thoughts. 

It develops fairly quickly, so you need to know the advice to follow to stop it as soon as possible.

1. The Rescue formula

One of the most effective remedies is the Rescue preparation of Bach Flowers.

It is a formula that mixes several floral essences to help us in any emergency, nervous crisis or state of shock. 

The Rescue remedy is a mixture of 5 Bach flowers:

  • Cherry Plum (Myrobolan or Cherry Plum)
  • Clematis (Clematis)
  • Impatiens
  • Rock Rose ( Helianthemum )
  • Star of Bethlehem (Eggnog)

You can buy it already ready in herbalists or in some pharmacies.

This remedy is suitable for everyone, because it has no contraindication. So, always keep it handy.

As soon as you notice the first symptoms of the anxiety attack, put 4 drops in a glass of water then drink in small sips.

2. Breath control

Breathing is fundamental in any state of crisis, as symptoms can get worse very quickly.

This is why it is essential to focus on it from the moment you feel it accelerates.

Sit down and try to breathe quietly and deeply, inflating the stomach with air, and then the chest.

You can place your hands on your chest to make it easier to follow the movement.

3. Eye movements

Eye movements can help us control anxiety, sadness, and depression. When we feel bad our eyes tend to look down, so to combat and prevent anxiety, force yourself to look up.

These movements should be done with the eyes, not with the head. In a few minutes, you will notice that the negative feeling you were feeling will be gone.

4. Essential oils

essential oils for an anxiety attack

Essential oils have therapeutic properties that allow us to prevent and treat health problems.

To face anxiety attacks, you have to choose oils with relaxing and balancing properties. However, we must also let ourselves be guided by our personal olfactory preferences.

The most recommended essential oils are the following, among others:

  • Lavender
  • Basil
  • Bergamot
  • Cypress
  • Cedar
  • Oregano
  • Orange
  • Chamomile
  • Angelic

You can use essential oils in the form of perfume or via electric diffusers.

5. Cold water on the eyelids

A simple trick to avoiding an anxiety attack is to apply a trickle of cold water to your closed eyes. Do this on the rest of the face as well. 

Cold hydrotherapy is a very simple and natural way to relax the body and prevent seizures.

6. The magnesium bath

Magnesium is a mineral which has a great balancing effect on the nervous system. The most common way to take it is as a supplement.

But if you want a faster effect, you can prepare yourself a bath with magnesium sulfate salts.

  • Put half a cup of salts (100 g) in a normal bathtub, with fairly hot water, and stay there for at least 20 minutes.

This bath will relax and revitalize you without needing to take a supplement. 

7. Personalized homeopathy

Homeopathy is a type of natural medicine that allows us to treat health problems without any contraindications or side effects.

The ideal is for a homeopathic professional to assess your case to prescribe personalized treatment. You will thus always have it at hand, to take to prevent and also to face the first symptoms of an anxiety attack or anxiety.

There are many remedies for anxiety. But you have to take your personality and other health concerns into consideration when choosing the most suitable remedy.

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