7 Natural Remedies To Cure Canker Sores

Canker sores and mouth sores are very annoying lesions! Discover here natural remedies to get rid of it.

Canker sores are usually small in size but are still very troublesome. In addition,  they hurt and they do not disappear overnight, because they sit in a humid environment that is not conducive to healing.

Discover here 7 simple natural remedies  to put an end to mouth problems as quickly as possible!

Canker sores and mouth sores: what are they due to?

Although these sores are very common, specialists have not yet been able to determine exactly why these small ulcers appear in the mouth.

On the other hand, we know that they affect 20% of the population.

There are two types of wounds: simple wounds and complex wounds.

  • The so-called simple wounds appear from time to time throughout the year for a period of one week, and particularly affect people aged between 10 and 20 years.
  • The so-called complex wounds concern far fewer people but they are recurrent.

Canker sores and sores in the mouth: the causes

Several factors can be at the origin of these lesions:

  •  stress
  • acidic or sour foods
  • lesions caused by food or utensils
  • weakened immune system
  • nutrition problem or gastrointestinal illness

Warning… Do not confuse a canker sore with herpes. Similar in appearance, they are two different conditions.

Unlike canker sores,  cold sores are caused by a contagious virus and can show up on other parts of the face, such as the lips, nose, or even under the chin.


Symptoms of an ulceration are as follows:

  • irritation
  • painful tingling sensation
  • round sore of white or gray color and red on the edges
  • fever flares
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes

Canker sores almost always go away on their own. Even if the pain is persistent, it is important not to touch them, neither with the tongue, nor with the teeth. After a week, it will be just a bad memory.

Natural remedies to treat wounds and canker sores

Baking soda helps heal canker sores

1. Salt treats canker sores

Salt is the cheapest and most effective antiseptic available. It is very effective in treating wounds in a natural way.

All you need to do is put a teaspoon of salt in a glass of lukewarm water and rinse your mouth with this liquid, paying particular attention to where the sore is. Do this mouthwash at least three times a day.

The pain and discomfort will gradually go away. There are people who prefer to rub the wound with coarse salt crystals. The only problem is that this process is more painful and more irritating, therefore not recommended.

2. Sodium bicarbonate

Bicarbonate has the same function as salt: it is an effective antiseptic for treating wounds.

Mix the baking soda with half a glass of water, and make a mouthwash without swallowing the liquid. You can also make a paste with baking soda and a little water that you will then apply to the wound.

Leave the paste on for a few minutes, then rinse with cold water without rubbing.

3. Hydrogen peroxide

This is another surefire remedy to treat canker sores.

Take a piece of cotton and soak it in hydrogen peroxide. Apply it directly to the lesion three times a day. This will help calm the pain and prevent possible infections.

4. Oral antiseptic care

These are less natural remedies but can be helpful in relieving pain. Usually, they provide immediate relief while preventing the growth of bacteria.

Do not use too much antiseptic, it may irritate you

5. Ice

Ice cubes help heal canker sores, reduce inflammation and calm pain. They are perfect tranquilizers.

Place an ice cube on the wound as many times as you deem necessary.

6. Yogurt

Thanks to the acidity of milk and the bacteria it contains, yogurt allows you to modify the pH of the mouth while preventing the appearance of new bacteria.

7. Milk of magnesia 

This milk has an effect similar to that of yogurt.

Use it three times a day, in order to change the pH of the mouth. You will thus fight against the bacteria which are at the origin of these ulcers.

Some tips to avoid wounds and canker sores

Prevent canker sores

A lack of minerals or vitamins can cause the appearance of canker sores. So try to balance the intake of minerals and vitamins in your diet.

Certain conditions can be the cause of these lesions, such as anemia due to a lack of iron or folic acid, or gluten intolerance or Crohn’s disease.

When brushing your teeth, be careful not to injure yourself. Likewise, be careful not to injure yourself with “sharp” foods when eating, such as the crust of bread, for example.

Avoid acidic or pungent foods, chewing gum, and don’t forget to floss after each meal, in order to always have a clean and healthy mouth!

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