7 Bad Habits That Promote Breast Ptosis

Did you know that a sedentary lifestyle and a lack of physical activity also influence breast loss? Since these are muscles, you have to train them or at least not neglect them too much.

Breast ptosis or the gradual fall of the breasts is a natural process. It  occurs because of the gradual loss of elasticity of skin fibers.

It is not a medical problem. On the other hand, it affects the body from an aesthetic point of view. And this, especially when it develops at an early age.

It is quite common in women with large breasts, although that does not mean that those with small breasts cannot suffer from it.

The effect of gravity, changes in the body during the breastfeeding period and continuous weight gain and loss are determining factors in its occurrence.

However, there are certain habits which, when recurring, influence the deterioration of the structures that support the breasts from the inside.

Although their effects are not the same in all women, they can significantly influence the onset of the problem before the age of 30.

Discover them!

1. Smoking promotes breast ptosis

The consumption of cigarettes not only has negative consequences on the health of the main body systems, but also causes deterioration of the skin and muscles.

The toxins that tobacco contains accelerate the loss of elasticity and firmness because they reduce collagen production and impair blood circulation.

Over time, they also accelerate aging and cause the breasts to sag and sag.

2. Make the wrong bra size

Using a bra that is the wrong size is a habit that, although it may seem harmless, can facilitate loss of breast firmness and hence breast ptosis.

If they are made from flexible materials that easily adapt to the body, poor fit increases the tendency to sag.

Plus, when they’re too tight, they tend to affect blood circulation, Cooper’s ligaments, and skin muscles.

3. Having an unsuitable body posture

Adopting poor body posture increases muscle pain. This  affects the aesthetics and accelerates the fall of the breasts.

Many people fail to imagine the difference in breast shape when you maintain good posture all the time.

Poor posture, both when walking and when sitting, causes the breasts to lose their natural position because it affects the fibers that carry them.

4. Have an inactive lifestyle

Having a sedentary life involves many negative effects both on the inside of the body and on its aesthetic characteristics.

Inactivity increases the risk of suffering from chronic diseases, obesity and other disorders that decrease the quality of life.

On the other hand, since the breast muscles are neglected, over time it is common for the breasts to lose firmness and elasticity.

In addition, there are many exercises and training programs that are designed to strengthen this particular area.

5. Forget about sunscreen

We often hear about the importance of using sunscreen to prevent premature skin deterioration.

Despite this, many people continue to ignore this advice and directly expose themselves to the negative effects of UV rays.

What few people know is that in addition to premature aging, this situation accelerates the loss of firmness of the breasts, since only this area receives the direct impact of the sun.

As a result, it decreases collagen and elastin, two substances that are responsible for keeping the skin elastic and young.

6. Adopt a strict diet

Strict diet programs, also known as “fad diets” affect muscle and skin health significantly.

Thus, doing it regularly greatly increases the risk of having breasts that sag well before old age.

This is due to the fact that these are diets that involve nutritional deficiencies, causing abrupt changes in weight and loss of lean muscle.

It is essential to have adequate and complete nutrition, which involves consuming sources of:

  • Essential fatty acids
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Protein
  • Fibers
  • Antioxidants

7. Drinking too much alcohol

While consuming a glass of red wine per day has some interesting benefits, consuming too much alcohol has unwanted side effects.

In addition to the difficulties it causes in the liver and metabolism, alcohol abuse directly affects the elasticity of the skin.

Hence, it increases the risk of premature aging and accelerates the loss of firmness of the breasts. This therefore promotes breast ptosis.

It is essential to know that the habits mentioned here are factors related to this aesthetic problem, but are not always its direct causes.

Avoiding them as much as possible and having a healthy lifestyle is great for enjoying a firm and youthful breast for longer.

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