5 Ways To Combat Your Fear Of Loneliness

It is important to analyze what causes this fear of loneliness, as it is likely that there are some issues from the past that you need to address to feel comfortable with yourself. This way, you won’t be so afraid of loneliness anymore.

There is a distinct difference between being alone and feeling alone. Both involve very special feelings, which are related to the way you deal with each situation.  More specifically, the fear of loneliness could be included in the second example.

Also known as autophobia in the most extreme cases, it is a fairly common fear in which the person experiencing it can suffer greatly. In fact, in the long run, it is linked to anxiety or depression.

The main thing is to be aware of it. In other words, knowing that you have some difficulty being alone or simply dealing with loneliness. The next step has to do with emotional management work and strategy implementation. Let’s dig deeper.

What is loneliness?

fear of loneliness

Loneliness is defined as the lack of contact with others, whether it is voluntary or not. It is a fear that comes from an early age in children, because their survival depends on external care.

However, it’s important to let go of the fear of loneliness as you grow older. In many cases, the family plays a very influential role along with the feeling of loneliness. Very often, loneliness can increase when family support is not sufficient or release goals are not reinforced.

  • In these cases, during childhood, you may experience a feeling of abandonment, of unprotectedness, and a sort of existential void.
  • Then, as an adult, you can tirelessly seek the support of others as well as your acceptance in society, believing that it will make you happier. However, if you go this route, the opposite will happen.

So, in these types of circumstances, it  is necessary to work directly on the fear of loneliness or the fact of being  alone and develop certain strategies to heal these deficiencies and negative feelings.

Keys to Fighting the Fear of Loneliness

1. Do you spend more time

The best way to deal with this problem is to  spend time with yourself, instead of running away from you, what people who fear being alone normally do: find a plan to avoid feeling lonely.

It is therefore necessary to think about this fear that catches up with you when you don’t meet anyone or you are home alone. What are you afraid of? What need is behind all of this? Why are you running away?

You will see that many of your fears have no basis . From there, create pleasant images in which you see yourself enjoying loneliness rather than suffering from it.

Face loneliness and interact with it in a different way. Do you know that it can be the occasion to meet you, to work on yourself and to move forward?

2. What do you like to do?

Once connected with loneliness, you can discover what you like to do, what gives you pleasure or what you need to achieve and what you dare not do but would like to achieve.

It’s good to put yourself first . Spending time on a hobby or a relaxing activity is also a good exercise to get along better with loneliness.

3. Leave the past behind

Make yourself right, once and for all, that the past is something that will not come back. You have to get used to the idea that what has been lived should be left behind. Open to the feeling of healing wounds, to forgetting and forgiving from the bottom of your heart.

Think that if what you lived was pleasant, this memory will also become nostalgic. And in the event of a bad memory, it’s not worth rethinking and reviving it.

To think about what could have been and what was not, what you should and could not have done, is to waste minutes of the present and to live in a fiction. Therefore,  if you go back to the past, make it so that it is to reinvent yourself, not to sit there. 

4. You don’t need to be accompanied

Forget the need to be accompanied in order to be happy. When you’re desperate for companionship, you can attract toxic people and disappointments, and none of it is worth it. In fact, being happy is not a condition that comes from the outside.

By giving up this need, you break the bonds of fear of loneliness.

  • When you realize that you can be happy on your own, you will see in a tangible way how your self-esteem will increase.
  • Discover your personal worth and fully enjoy a life without fears and fears. You will feel much freer and therefore happier.

fear of loneliness

Loneliness is an opportunity

Considering all of the above, you will find that loneliness  is a state that every person should really enjoy.  It is healthy to be alone so that you can establish deep contact with yourself, as well as with your thoughts and feelings, as long as it does not turn into a state of  isolation  permanent.

By relating to loneliness in another way, you will establish and evaluate your goals and objectives. You will then begin to accept yourself as you are. You will know what you really want to change and you won’t do it because you feel pressured by other people.

So,  your inner dialogue will help you discover your strength  to change and start enjoying moments of solitude.

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