5 Things About Your Kids That You Shouldn’t Post On The Internet

For safety and privacy, there are some things parents should avoid posting about their kids on the web. networks. While it may seem irrelevant, it could have consequences in the future.

The ways of interacting with human beings have changed with the boom  that social media has had in recent years. Thanks to these and other Internet tools, communication and social relations have developed considerably.

The problem is, not everyone is aware of the responsibility of managing networks and unfortunately many posts end up with unintended consequences.

For this reason, for some time now, one of the most important tips to apply has been to check what you are going to post about your children.

While at first it may seem harmless to share a photo or video, there are several issues with its content.

And this is what exposes children in certain situations, it not only violates their privacy but can also be dangerous.

What are the main things not to post about children? While this can be controversial for many, there are some things that need to be better kept private.

What you should avoid posting to your children

When children are not old enough to be responsible for their privacy, it is the parents who must take care of them.

However, although everyone is free to post on their social networks, the disclosure of photos or videos of children may still violate this right.

Most parents find it fun or harmless to share their children’s important moments. However, some do not take into account the impact they will have on the web or the future consequences for the child.

It is therefore fundamental to learn to value the content posted on the Internet, especially when it comes to exposing minors.

Therefore, we therefore share in detail the situations in which you should not post photos of your children.

1. Pictures in the bathroom or half-naked

As parents, it’s normal to feel proud when kids finally go to the bathroom on their own. However, this happiness should not be shared on the Internet. It doesn’t matter how cute they are. Current photos or videos should be avoided.

It is also incorrect to disclose images while changing diapers or while dressing them. Any nudity or semi-nudity photography violates their right to privacy and exposes them to various dangers.

Pay attention ! Although it may sound alarming or exaggerated, there are many unscrupulous people who use this type of content for pornographic purposes.

2. Photographs in embarrassing situations

Anything can be a trend on the Internet. For this reason, you should also know if what you are going to post about your children could cause problems in the future.

Photographing in embarrassing situations can be fun for adults. The downside is that children are exposed to teasing and later on they can feel very embarrassed.

So we have to remember that on the networks, the history of everything that is published is not erased. And, therefore, it can then harm children in the future.

3. Pictures in which other children are seen

The children of others on the internet

As we have already mentioned, protecting the privacy of children is the responsibility of their parents. Considering this, it is therefore important to understand that it is not correct to post photographs in which other minors are exposed.

It is true that not everyone pays too much attention to the subject. However, there are many who try to avoid as much as possible that their children are exposed in any way on the networks.

Thus, each time you post a photo where we can see other children, then you must receive prior authorization before disclosing it.

4. Photos with personal data on the internet

In a photograph, there may be more information than what can be seen with the naked eye. Therefore, it is very important to check that its content does not include personal data that may be dangerous:

  • Study place
  • Car plate or license plate
  • Address 
  • Known places

Remember that this data can reach people with bad intentions. Unfortunately, the networks have thus facilitated many kidnappings and child abuse.

5. Pictures when sick on the Internet

Do not show your sick children on the internet

It is normal to want to share a picture of a sick child with your grandmother or a close relative. But from there to publishing it on the networks, there is a big difference. So, in times of such fragility, we must respect the privacy of children.

This is because the content may offend other users. In fact, it is often found on pages which seek to gain shares and “likes” in order to arouse the pity of others.

All content downloaded from the Internet may be placed in the public domain. Therefore, as parents, it is essential to configure the privacy of networks and thus avoid certain posts. Have you considered it until now?

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