5 Habits That Can Cause Stomach Inflammation

To prevent our stomachs from swelling, it is important to eat slowly, in moderation, and to chew food well before swallowing it to facilitate digestion , and prevent the accumulation of air in the stomach.

Having an inflamed stomach doesn’t always mean a buildup of fat in that area of ​​the body. It is true that localized fat can be one of the causes of inflammation of the belly. However, most women who suffer from it often owe this inconvenience to many other reasons.

You’ve probably already noticed that your stomach looks flatter in the morning. That your figure is as you want it.

However, after a few hours of activity, your belly flares up to the point that your clothes feel tighter than they used to be. Do you know the reasons for this problem?

It is possible that excess air has gotten into your digestive tract, due to poor eating habits. Certain foods can indeed cause intolerance or irritation.

To combat this annoying inflammation of the belly, it is important to identify the source of this problem. It is very often found in some of our behaviors. It will then have to be eliminated as quickly as possible.

Food intolerances

Food intolerances should be watched because they can cause inflammation of the belly. They can also lead to many other dysfunctions in your body.

If you think that you are immune to all food intolerances, still check the truth of your premise, especially when your belly starts to swell.

For example, people who suffer from a wheat allergy cannot digest gluten. This causes them major digestive problems, such as abdominal distension or inflammation of the stomach.

The solution is to see a specialist doctor who will test your reactions to different food groups.

If the results are positive, you will need to modify your diet by excluding these foods.

Processed foods inflammation of the belly

Processed foods are high in sodium and other substances that do not benefit your tummy.

Sodium is one of the main causes of water retention in the body. The latter often causes serious inflammation of the stomach.

This also applies to foods that are sold under supposedly healthy labels such as “Light” or “0%” inscriptions.

These foods actually contain sodium and other harmful components, but in lesser amounts.

It is therefore recommended that you choose natural foods that you cook yourself. It is also advisable to consume more fruits, vegetables and whole grains. They contain little sodium, if at all.

Eat too quickly

It is very important to eat slowly and to chew food well. The fact of swallowing food too quickly can indeed cause inflammation of the stomach.

Many people often eat on the go. They therefore do not devote the necessary time to a healthy diet. And, in fact, it is they who most often suffer from inflammation of the stomach.

By taking the time to chew food well and eat slowly, you will benefit from better digestion. This will prevent the accumulation of air in the stomach.

Consuming too many carbonated drinks inflammation of the belly

Soft drinks, and sodas of all kinds, can refresh us and quench our thirst when we need them.

However, they are by no means the best option to meet these needs. They do not provide any nutritional element to our body. They also contain substances that inflame our belly and cause many digestive disorders.

The gas they contain causes a feeling of bloating. The latter is responsible for instant abdominal inflammation.

Various artificial sweetening substances are contained in this type of drink. They also have a significant impact on the appearance of inflammation of the belly.

So avoid consuming carbonated drinks, and prefer the consumption of water and natural juices.

Eat before going to bed

Dinner, one of the main meals of our day, should be light and easy to digest. It should also be ingested between two to three hours minimum before going to bed.

Eating before going to bed is a mistake made by a very large number of people. This bad habit can cause a great heaviness in the stomach, and generalized inflammation of the body.

This behavior is a major obstacle to the correct functioning of the digestive system, and can cause disorders such as constipation for example.

Eat a simple, light dinner about 3 hours before going to bed. If you have no other option, prefer a single serving of fruit, or yogurt, to a more substantial meal.

Also remember that the most important meal of the day is breakfast. So have a good breakfast, but opt ​​for a light dinner, and your digestion will be much easier.

Do not forget !

If you want to have a flat stomach, it is very important that you get rid of these bad habits.

You should also improve your daily diet, get more physical activity, and increase your water intake.

A healthier lifestyle will not only help you achieve a flatter stomach, but it will also improve your overall figure, and your overall health.

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