10 Things You Should Know About Sleep

How do you usually sleep? Do you get a deep, restful sleep, or are you one of those people who wake up several times a night?

Without a doubt, insomnia is the worst thing that can happen, because if this discomfort becomes chronic, it can bring many health problems.

In this article, we would like to share with you 10 interesting aspects about sleep that are sure to interest you.

Keep in mind that lack of sleep is a condition that needs to be treated very quickly.

Never limit yourself to taking sleeping pills or benzodiazepines, because most of the time, just changing your lifestyle or eating habits will give you great results.

1. Lack of sleep causes weight gain

In a recent study, published by the journal  Endocrine Society, it was shown that people who suffer from chronic insomnia, or who do not have restful rest during their nights, have a slower metabolism and an impaired lymphatic system.

As a result, our body stops filtering toxins, the liver cannot cleanse the body properly, and gradually we gain weight.

However, you should know that the habit of going to bed at the same time every day, and resting between 6 and 8 hours is a real gift for our body, and even allows us to lose weight!

2. How many hours of sleep do you need?

The recommended number of hours of sleep obviously depends on each person.

Some people need 9 hours of sleep to feel well rested in the morning, while others only need 6 hours.

However, it is important to take these different information into consideration:

  • Never sleep less than 6 hours.
  • The ideal, to be able to rest, is to sleep 5 hours without interruption.
  • If you are an adult, it is not recommended to get more than 11 hours of sleep at a stretch (unless you need to recover late hours of sleep). If you get more than 11 hours of sleep, you are likely to wake up very tired, which is not the effect you want.

3. Little sleep causes loss of bone mass


A recent study, published in the  Journal of Bone and Mineral Research Review , revealed an important piece of data that must be taken into account:

  • Not getting enough sleep, and suffering from sleep apnea,  is directly related to the onset of osteoporosis.
    Indeed, apnea prevents our body from receiving the oxygen it needs, which causes inflammation, changes metabolism, and consequently affects bone mass.

4. Not getting enough sleep can lead to dementia

Insomnia, combined with sleep apnea, can lead to mental illness. So this is something very dangerous that must be taken into account.

Indeed, the lack of regular oxygen, night after night, directly affects brain health. This produces a series of mini-infarcts which, sooner or later, can lead to dementia.

Remember, if you are suffering from sleep apnea, you should see your doctor immediately.

5. Exercise

A simple 15-minute walk after dinner can help you sleep better, for more consecutive hours. So don’t hesitate to do a little exercise every day.

6. The benefits of a nap

Who said naps were only for lazy people?

Sleeping between 15 and 20 minutes during the day can help to recover the sleep lost during the night, and at the same time, to relax well and be more serene at the end of the day.

7. The benefits of yoga and meditation

According to many experts, those who suffer from insomnia the most are those over the age of 50.

Practicing relaxation exercises is great for all ages, but above all it helps people over 50 sleep better.

Practicing yoga will allow you to find a much deeper sleep, and will greatly improve your quality of life.

8. Insomnia over-excites the brain


The brain needs our body to rest during the night, because it is at this time that it sets up many of its functions, such as the organization of new information, the control of the lymphatic system which purifies the brain. organism, memorization of memories, dreams, etc.

If you stay awake, the brain is way too excited. You may then suffer from headaches, morning fatigue, and lack of concentration.

9. Insomnia causes memory loss

As we told you earlier, the brain needs a good night’s rest to organize information, to classify data and memories.

If he does not have the opportunity to rest, he cannot carry out all of his tasks.

Gradually, you will have more and more difficulty remembering information, you will forget appointments, conversations, birthdays, etc.

10. Sleep is a “brainwashing” process

It may seem surprising, but it’s an expression that refers to a strange function of the brain:

  • During the night, our brain cells contract so that cerebrospinal fluid can flow more easily through the brain.
    This liquid will eliminate all the waste generated by these cells during the day.
    As you can see, this is a very important function, because if it is not carried out, we can suffer from an accumulation of toxins.

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