10 Herbal Remedies For Varicose Veins

It is possible to fight varicose veins naturally with herbs.

Varicose veins are often very unpleasant when they appear, usually on the legs and sometimes on the face. In the case of women, they can be a reason for low self-esteem, among others.

Varicose veins appear as a consequence of pregnancy, genetic factors, weight gain, hormonal factors or because of a job where it is necessary to sit for a very long time.

Today there are different ways to remove varicose veins, although some can be very expensive.

The good news is that there are some inexpensive natural remedies that will allow you to achieve similar or even better results as these are natural remedies that do not affect your health.


Ginger to fight against varicose veins

It is an herb rich in anti-inflammatory elements, which reduces the appearance of varicose veins and relieves the pain they cause.

Ginger is very effective in improving blood circulation and thus helps prevent varicose veins, helping to prevent their formation in the body.

We recommend that you apply ginger extract mixed with vitamin E to the area of ​​the skin where the varicose veins are located. You will be surprised at the results!


Garlic contains many components with anti-inflammatory properties. To use it, the only thing to do is to crush 5 garlic cloves and eat them raw with a little lemon to improve their taste.

Garlic reduces excess protein in the body and thus helps clear those troublesome veins.



It is an excellent natural remedy to promote the correct assimilation and distribution of proteins in the body and in this way, to prevent the formation of varicose veins and their visibility on the skin.

You just need to eat raw onions every day. Eating onions daily allows you to maintain a much healthier body and much more revitalized skin.

The brahmi

It is a plant native to India and is considered to be very effective in removing varicose veins, especially in the field of Ayurvedic medicine. Brahmi contains essential vitamins for skin toning.

It can be applied directly to the legs and its results are excellent!



Rosemary is very useful in combating stress and depression, but also varicose veins.

It is a recurring element in the development of skin products as it has properties that improve blood circulation.

Saint-Jean grass

Regardless of whether it is used externally or internally, St. John’s herb is an ideal option for getting rid of varicose veins. The oil from this plant is extracted and applied directly to the affected area.

You can also make an infusion of this plant and take it regularly, especially when you have “varicose veins”.

Witch hazel

Hamamelis to fight against varicose veins

It’s a rarer herb, but also useful if you find it! Witch hazel also has anti-inflammatory properties and thus helps reduce varicose veins effectively.

In general, it is consumed more in tea. However, it can also be applied as a compress to the affected area.

It has a high concentration of essential oils, gallic acid and tannins. These are very useful agents for maintaining the health of the skin.

The fake holly buckskin

This plant has an active element called ruscogenin, which is responsible for reducing inflammation and blockage of the veins.

It has many benefits to strengthen and tighten the veins. It is advisable to consume at least 100 mg of ruscogenin per day in three doses for the benefits of this plant to be more visible.

The gugulon

Gugulon is another traditional herb of Ayurvedic medicine and has excellent properties for reducing inflammation of the veins. It thus helps to reduce varicose veins.

This herb  helps improve blood circulation and the health of the skin. 


Echinacea purpurea

This herb is well known for its properties to strengthen the immune system and moreover, it can be an excellent solution to fight against varicose veins.

It is very effective in reducing inflammation and is used as a pain reliever for varicose veins pain.

We hope you found this information useful. Remember that it is best to see a doctor if you have a chronic illness. Or if you notice a bad reaction when you consume these plants.

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